New Skincare I’ve Been Loving

Hi Beauties,

Long time no chat. Didn’t realise it would be so long between blog posts- whoops! Anyway decided I should do a new blog post since I just paid to renew my blog subscription.

Over the past couple of weeks/ months I’ve been lucky enough to trial out some new release skincare products and actually have been loving them. So I thought I better actually tell you about these new products and why I’ve been loving them.


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Review: Kiehl’s Glow Formula Skin Hydrator

Hi Beauties,

If you’re a beauty junkie like me you would have seen The Anna Edit raving about this new gem from Kiehl’s, Glow Formula Skin Hydrator*. So when this landed on my doorstep about 2 months ago I was like gimmie! Since getting pregnant and with the change of weather my skin is needing that added hydration so I started to incorporate it immediately into my skincare regime. 


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Is Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream Worth The Hype?

Hi Beauties,

Another beauty confession from me, I’ve never tried the Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream*. I know, bad beauty blogger. I’ve always wanted to try the cream, but to be honest I’ve been overwhelmed for choice with face cream and most recently I’ve been more selective with what creams I use. When this landed on my desk, I was like I have to Kiehl’s best selling Ultra Facial Cream and see if its worth all the hype.


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